Plastic Moulding Factory

Plastic Moulding Factory

With a significant investment in next generation plastic injection moulding technology and collaborative robots, Tex Plastics Barnstaple gave their plastic moulding factory a makeover.

Better performance comes from a better laid out plastic moulding factory

With the need to replace older plastic moulding machines, and the opportunity to rethink the plastic moulding factory layout - Kevin Payne and Andy Richards set to work on optimising the factory layout. Taking advantage of the annual maintenance shutdowns, Operations Manager Kevin and Shift Manager Andrew planned the new factory production flow.

The plastic moulding factory makeover impacted on all production areas

Tex Plastic Barnstaple has three distinct plastic injection production areas, the standard injection moulding, White Room injection moulding and Clean Room injection moulding. Given the mix of production environments the task was ambitious and challenging – however, the plastic moulding factory changes were completed without a hitch.

New equipment installed, productivity increased

“The working environment is really important as it impacts upon the way our operatives feel when carrying out their duties. There’s been a noticeable improvement in moral and this is reflected in productivity.”

Kevin Payne, Operations Manager, Tex Plastics Barnstaple

Maintenance, tidiness and health and safety

“Keeping on top of maintenance, tidiness and relevant health and safety are far easier now. The clearly identifiable zones for the different activities, has helped significantly. The refreshed appearance of the plastic moulding factory also gives customers more confidence as they see everywhere is tidy, orderly and with lots of new machines working efficiently.”

Andy Richards, Shift Manager, Tex Plastics Barnstaple

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