Relocating injection moulding to the UK

Relocating injection moulding to the UK

When a leading feminine hygiene and washroom services provider reviewed it's European injection moulding and supply chain with a view to optimising efficiencies, quality and costs, Tex Plastics were asked to provide a solution.

A combination of rethinking, redesigning and collaborating

Understanding the needs of the customers’ service proposition and feminine hygiene bins and sanitary waste disposal services was paramount to the Tex Plastics technical team. Feminine hygiene demands much more than odour control, it must minimise bacteria as well as produce unit designs that maximise the limited space available in washroom cubicles. Working closely to understand our clients’ needs, we could develop to exceed their expectations.

Manufactured in the UK has optimised both the products and supply chain

“What Tex Plastics are really good at is looking at a total solution. Where are the savings to be made? How can we reduce expensive stock levels? What can we do to reduce lead times? In addition to the more obvious, how can we possibly improve the product? It's this depth and breadth of approach that helps us work more closely with our clients across all aspects of the supply chain, to ultimately deliver the greatest returns and win contracts like this.”

Nigel Partridge
Sales Manager (Barnstaple & Derby)

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