Injection Moulding Brexit Ready?
18 January 2021
Raw materials stockpiled and forward ordering in preparation for any supply chain disruptions.
We've taken every possible step to avoid disruption
To ensure your injection moulding requirements and plastic parts supply chain is unaffected, the Tex Plastics management team has taken every possible precaution. We've stockpiled raw materials wherever possible and have placed forward orders well in advance to ensure our production facilities have guaranteed supplies. The UK left the European Union (EU) on 29 March 2019, and the transition period is set to end midnight on December 31st 2020. At the time of going to press, there was still no agreement between the UK and E.U. and a no-deal Brexit looks like a real possibility.
Deal or no deal - we've got your plastic injected parts covered
There has been a lot of discussion about the challenges the UK manufacturing sectors are facing at this moment in time, especially if there is a no deal scenario. If World Trade Organisation (WTO) tariffs are applied to both imports and exports, it could raise the cost of imported polymers. Plastics are one of the UK’s top ten imports and exports, with the EU accounting for 69% of all plastics-related trade. Hopefully the Government is aware of the fact that for every job created in the plastics industry, a total of 2.74 are created in the wider economy. We're keeping a close eye on things and aim to communicate any impact on prices should a no-deal scenario happen.