Cleanroom Injection Moulding Expansion
17 January 2022
The additional Class 7 Cleanroom manufacturing cell, houses three injection moulding machines running 24/7 at Tex Plastics Barnstaple facility.
Cleanroom injection moulding running 7 days a week
Tex Plastics Barnstaple has significantly increased its cleanroom injection moulding capability in the past 12 months. Now with a total of 7 injection moulding machines running three shifts, 7 days a week across the two cleanroom manufacturing cells - the output has more than doubled. However, the demand for a fully validated EN14644 class 7 (10,000) cleanroom plastic injection moulding continues to grow.
Smaller volumes of cleanroom plastic injection moulding
There seems to be an appetite for plastic injection moulding in a cleanroom environment for smaller volumes. This is a niche area Tex Plastics has capitalised on, largely as a result of working with medical device manufacturers to develop prototypes and initial production run quantities.
Fully operational with capacity to grow
The new additional cleanroom is now fully operational, complimenting the established and comprehensive “concept to completion” project solution offered. Tex Plastic’s Barnstaple facility, has the capability to mould for all conventional, white room and cleanroom thermoplastic requirements – including meticulous project management of comprehensive tooling validation protocols including Scientific Moulding disciplines. Our customers know Tex Plastics can assure both the technical capability and competitive edge needed in a cleanroom production facility operating at maximum efficiency.