Good luck in retirement Nigel Partridge!

Good luck in retirement Nigel Partridge!

This will be the last time you see the familiar face of Nigel on the TEX Plastics website and newsletters, as he retires after decades of being the Sales Manager at TEX Plastics.


Nigel will be missed by clients and staff alike

Nigel's soft-spoken voice and gentle ways will be missed by clients and the team at TEX Plastics. Nigel has been the perfect representative for TEX Plastics, he wasn't your typical bullish salesperson. But don't let that fool you - he was tenacious in following up and maintaining relationships. His style was unique, and he will be sorely missed by his friends in the business and the many customers he developed great connections with.


My time at TEX Plastics has been a wonderful experience

I'm sure everyone says this when retiring, but it's the people I'll miss most, not just my work colleagues but clients too. When you build a professional relationship with people you genuinely like, it's a pleasure working with them. My time at TEX Plastics has been a wonderful experience, but all good things come to an end. I'm really looking forward to having more time to spend with my family, and hopefully getting away from the UK weather in the winter!

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